Nazim Kourgli as PARD (The Avatar)
Ian McLaughlin as BUD (The Interface)
Paula Penman as CRYSTAL (Director)
Christina Berriman-Dawson as PAL


by Marek Kozakiewicz
and Clémence Thurninger

DIRECTED by Lucy Pawlak





Once upon a time the description was not the described...

This theatrical transmogrification of computer-mediated communication asks: What happens when an augmented reality becomes the territory?

Through re-configuring elements of cinema, theatre and computer game design in the context of live streaming “Head Mount” will present a screen that can listen and feedback, creating a third space – that of the reality in the illusion.

You are attending an audition for a role in a movie. This is where the story starts...

LIVE at The Tyneside Cinema 6pm 4th September in The Classic - FREE advanced booking required call Tyneside Cinema box office on: 0845 2179909